Five Minute Friday: Exhale

white cloud at blue sky

Hi All,
Teaming up again this week with Lisa Jo Baker and the Five Minute Friday crowd; the goal is to write five minutes straight on the prompt word, no editing, just five minutes of writing. The only rule is to provide a link to the FMF site and comment on the post prior to you. Each week a prompt word is provided. This week the prompt word is EXHALE! Ready, set, go!

It’s Friday, the 4th of July and I think I have finally exhaled, the past months have been abundantly and yet overwhelming full……work, church, school, family and various other commitments have made the last several months a whirlwind of activity. Today I had planned to rest, to relax, to rejuvenate and spend time with my God. Then the message from my husband arrived on Wednesday; we will need to spend all day Friday at our sons house working on the roof. I love my kids, I love doing things for them but the thought of losing my planned time to finally relax was enough to send me over the edge. BUT, God in His Mighty Power had greater plans. Yes, they did spend the day working on the roof, yes we did provide them some lunch…..but the day was far from overwhelming; in fact, it has been blessedly underwhelming. A late breakfast with my mom, then went to my son and daughter-in-laws home to ensure he and his dad had a decent lunch. Then God blessed me with the me time I so desperately needed. An hour long walk in absolute perfect weather, another walk with my beautiful daughter-in-law and my granddog. Then topped it off with an entire afternoon spent sitting on the porch of a friend’s home, just being. I read my Bible, I wrote, I watched the clouds go by, I watched the people go by, I napped, we chatted, we sat in silence…..but mostly I EXHALED!! Deep cleansing breaths, full of the power of the Holy Spirit and yet blessedly calm. I exhaled as I have not in months and oh the freedom of exhaling…….out goes the stress of the past months, in comes a cleansing breath, out goes all the times I remind myself of what I am not….exhale, exhale, exhale the “am nots” and inhale, inhale, inhale the “I am’s”…I am His daughter, I am enough, I am deserving of an afternoon of lazy nothingness……I am deserving of exhaling and the sweet release and freedom it brings. Thank you Jesus, thank you Jesus, thank you for the sweet cleansing of exhaling!!!
